
Advisors to the APP board include individuals who represent major payment networks and standards organizations.  In addition, the President of APP or the board may appoint additional advisors to provide input, support, or representation from other organizations.

APP also has an active group of past presidents who continue to contribute and comprise the Past Presidents Special Interest Group (SIG)

Advisors - Payment Networks & Standards

MAC and its members benefit from the participation of partners representing the payment networks, card brands and standards organizations as board advisors. These advisors are selected by their respective organizations.
  • Toks Adekoya
    Toks Adekoya
    Vice President of their Credit and Fraud Risk American Express
  • Carrie Back
    Carrie Back
    Principal Operations Strategy Discover Financial Services
  • Jordan Bennett
    Jordan Bennett
    ACH Network Risk Management Nacha
  • Jeanette A Fox
    Jeanette A Fox
    AAP Associate Managing Director, Risk Investigations and ACH Risk Management Nacha
  • Elizabeth Scofield
    Elizabeth Scofield
    Senior Director Ecosystem Security and Integrity Visa
  • Jonathan Trivelas
    Jonathan Trivelas
    Vice President, Brand Performance Team Mastercard