APP Alert Policies
APP Alerts is a member-only benefit. By using APP Alerts, members agree to adhere to all policies related to this system, including, but not limited to, APP's Code of Conduct, APP's antitrust compliance program, and the rules and limitations provided on this page or in APP's Policy and Procedure Manual.
Rules, Policies and Limitations
APP Alerts are managed by the Membership Committee, subject to the policies and guidelines contained within APP's Policy and Procedure Manual. Once approved, individuals and organizations agree to abide by any program rules for APP-Alerts defined by APP, its Membership Committee, or applicable legal requirements.
Members may be requested to acknowledge current rules and limitations on an annual basis to maintain access to APP Alerts. This includes, but is not limited to, the following key provisions:
- Access to APP-Alerts is a single-user, non-exclusive, non-transferable license. The individual member granted access to APP Alerts and the associated member organization are responsible for the appropriate use of this benefit.
- By using APP Alerts, members acknowledge that they will adhere to the guidelines in APP's antitrust compliance guidelines, APP's Code of Conduct, and other policies contained within APP's Policy and Procedure Manual or developed specifically for this benefit.
- Views expressed within an APP Alert are owned solely by the author and do not represent the views, beliefs, or opinions of APP, its Board, staff, members, partners, or agents.
- APP makes no warranties (express or implied) regarding the accuracy of the information contained within APP Alerts. Individuals acknowledge that the use of the information contained within APP Alerts is at the individual’s option and that in interpreting, acting upon, or responding to the information contained within an APP Alert the individual exercises their own skill and judgment.
- Individuals with access to restricted APP-Alert categories must maintain a unique and verifiable email address. Generic email addresses (e.g., "") are not allowed. If an email address is changed, access to restricted Alert categories may be suspended.
- The Member granted access to restricted APP-Alert categories will not allow any other person access to their APP-Alerts.
- The Member granted access to restricted APP-Alert categories will not retain, scrape, or otherwise store the information contained in alerts with the intent of selling or publicly sharing that information.
- The Member granted access to restricted APP-Alerts will not cause those alerts to be distributed through networks or distribution lists that are public.
- APP Alerts offers members the ability to post messages on message boards that include email distribution to other members. The information posted may be retained and made available for future search and retrieval by APP members. Individuals acknowledge that all content posted within APP Alerts is user content and agree to comply with all rules and restrictions established by APP or by law.
- APP reserves the right but disclaims any obligation or responsibility, to prevent an individual user from posting or accessing content, and to restrict or remove user content from APP Alerts or refuse to include user content for any reason at any time, at APP’s sole discretion and without notice to the individual user.
- By using APP Alerts, individuals acknowledge that messages are public to other members with access to an Alert category. APP cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any submitted information which users disclose via APP Alerts; individuals make such disclosures at their own risk.
- APP Alerts is not intended for use as a consumer credit reporting service. APP alert postings must focus on a company or organization and not an individual associated with that company or organization. Upon written request, prior alerts may be removed from the APP alert system.
- The APP Membership Committee will determine a message retention schedule for different alert categories. Messages will be available to members according to the defined retention schedule.
- As part of its antitrust compliance program, all alert communications are moderated before distribution to members.
- Members may not post information in an alert that would violate U.S. federal antitrust laws or other legal or regulatory provisions